Message from The “BAR”

24th March 2020

Message from The “BAR”

Mallorca Depot

Coronavirus Member announcement

Dear BAR Member

I am sure that you will all have seen and listened to the PM’s latest briefing this evening on the developing crisis arising from the global coronavirus pandemic. The message from the PM was absolutely clear and in a nutshell, the day to day life of the UK is now formally suspended for a period of at least 3 weeks. The question then arises for our Members what should happen with any moves that are either underway or booked to take place and I believe that our recommendation to our Members now has to be equally as clear as that given earlier by the PM, and that recommendation is as follows;

You should only complete any moves that are underway and immediately cancel any move that has not yet started. It is equally evident that our absolute priority now must be on ensuring the safety of our staff and our customers, and of course their respective families and so we must make every effort to release all of our crews from ‘the coalface’ at the very earliest opportunity. There will of course be many more questions asked and answers needing to be given over the next few days, but it is imperative that we react now to that very explicit instruction from the PM.

I have of course, and as you would expect, given instruction that the staff employed at BAR HQ in Watford are not to attend the office until further notice but we will continue to provide all services to our Members throughout these difficult times. I will follow up with more bulletins and updates as we receive any further intelligence on next steps to be taken but in the meantime I encourage you all to comply with the instructions issued by the PM and to keep safe and stay healthy.

Kind regards

Ian Studd
Director General

A Reliable and Regular Service to and from Mallorca, EST 1985  

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