Now the UK has left the EU, there are additional charges, that include Customs Clearance, IVA @ 21% payable in the majority of cases,     every thing is now separately priced

Budget Price, CT 7 ONE, UK Depot to Mallorca Depot  Service,

We obviously do the same idea for coming back !

Increasingly popular is our UK Depot to Mallorca Service, its quite simple, you e-mail our UK Office – sales@webbsremovals.com – with your requirements – we want to keep everything in writing.

You advise us of what you are purchasing, helpful if you can give a catalogue number so we can check out the size and weight on the internet.

For example you are buying a new sofa from a company in the UK, they offer free delivery to any destination in the UK, so you have it sent to us.

We can give you two prices, one to Mallorca Depot only and you collect (Map and Address on Location Page), or delivered residence in Mallorca, our prices are very fair and offer true value for money.

Please note volume charged is based upon its ‘Stacked in the Truck Volume’. Some items for example sofas, chairs etc. can cause lot of ‘Dead Space’

Collections – Deliveries – Post

For the UK

Webbs International Removals Ltd,
Unit 4 The Packhouse Site,
Wantsum Way, St Nicholas at Wade,
Kent. CT7 0NE.
Company Number 5006415.
VAT GB 509 7335 34.All Collections, delivery’s must be pre booked in

This is our UK Storeman’s direct number,   Adrian 0044 7974 788453,  WhatsApp is best,

Few Basic Rules on this:

  • Communication is paramount for us all
  • This Service is very popular, so
  • Your Consignment must be pre-booked and confirmed with UK Office
  • We do not accept telephone orders; everything must be kept in writing, No Exception.
  • We can make a charge for Re packaging if effects are delivered into us poorly,
  • We will refuse any item that is badly damaged, damp, dirty, leaking etc.  Use only Quality Couriers, Carriers
  • No hazardous goods, no foodstuffs, etc. Common-sense Applies!
  • Payment in full before collection / delivery
  • Credit / Debit Cards, Only, Mastercard /  Visa
  • Cash up to 1K, Bank Transfer in Cleared Funds
  • You can pay in Euros or GBP. Our Euro Rate is 1.25€ to the GBP

Special Attention Please

Any Consignments delivered into the ‘Webb’ depots Must have:

  • Written documentation with delivery, description  note on the outside of the package
  • The delivery note to have your full details and contact numbers and a brief description of contents.
  • We do not accept any responsibility for goods that turn up without these details, they can be returned
  • Subject to an external examination of the package, packages
  • However, In light of the Covid 19 pandemic the majority of carriers are not giving any documentation, delivery notes, even the electronic hand held POD are not being used, just a photo taken
  • Remember these carriers, couriers whom deliver into us treat “us” as the client,  not an onward carrier,
  • Avoid the Budget Couriers, Carriers,  go for the more well known ones,

Don’t Forget

When sending goods either from yourself or from a third party, You, Your Carrier or Agent MUST Put Your Name First, Mrs Mrs Smith – Webb’s Removals. DO NOT send anything to the Maidstone address, this is our accountants office only.

Collection from Mallorca Depot

Truck normally arrives on a Wednesday in Mallorca, it can take a while to unload everything, phone Bill on 0034 619 247 823 prior to coming down to collect, just to ensure your consignment is unloaded

Should circumstances change and you now want your goods delivered, please let us know well in advance, obviously there will be a modest charge for jobs originally depot, now to be delivered

Mallorca Depot to Kent Depot Budget Price Service

Departs Wednesday, arrives Kent Depot Friday pm  ( Sorry Closed Weekends )

Please email, Bill Webb    webbs@spain.cc , 971 693566,  619 247 823 WhatsApp


NOTE,      Customs Clearance Charges payable , on All Consignments, IVA @ 21%, Duty etc is payable on Loads to Spain ( Subject to certain exclusions) 

                     Check out our News Page for the latest Updates


A Reliable and Regular Service to and from Mallorca, EST 1985  

Call us UK 01843 585055 ⋅ Mallorca 0034 971 693566 or email sales@webbsremovals.com