Our Locations
As below are Numbers for the various Offices and Crew. However our preferred method of contact is email, the links are as below. Gladly chat on the phone with you as well!
Collections – Deliveries – Post
For the UK
Webbs International Removals Ltd.Unit 4 The Packhouse Site,
Wantsum Way, St Nicholas at Wade,
Kent. CT7 ONE.
Company Number 5006415.
VAT GB 509 7335 34.

Office Address:
Webbs Int Removals Ltd,
Webbs Head office & Maintenance Depot,
Unit 45 Maple Leaf Business Park,
Manston, Kent, CT12 5GD.
Company Number 5006415.
VAT GB 509 7335 34.
Please use only as a correspondence address. All deliveries/collections are to be booked out of our St Nicholas Site.
For Mallorca
Webbs International Removals SL.3a Calle Alicante,
Poligino Son Bugadelles,
Santa Ponsa 07180,
Palma de Mallorca.
Fiscal B57237133.
Registered Office – Accountants only, do not send anything there!
Stiddard Forbes UK LTD.90-92 King Street,
Maidstone Kent.
ME14 1BH.
Direct Numbers
Please note that the Spanish Ringing Tone can sound similar to the UK ‘Engaged Tone’.
- Head Office UK: 0044 [0] 1843 585055
- UK Mobile 0044 (0) 7812 605488 – Sensible hours only please.
- Mallorca Office Tel: 0034 971 693566 this Diverts to Mobile on occasion
- Mallorca Office Mobile 0034 626 040 195
- Mallorca Mobile Bill Webb 0034 619 247 823 Again sensible hours only please !
- Consultas en español : 0034 672 282 618
- Mallorca Crew Mobiles, 0034 672 282 617
- All Other Numbers are Agencies
- Including Preston 0044 1772 655015
- Or Preston 044 1722 561 570
- Mallorca “Local Moving & Storage 0034 619 247 823
Email us in the UK
Email us in Mallorca or Bill Webb direct
E-mails from Webb’s International Removals do include Headers and Footers that may be ‘Spammed’ especially any e-mails from our Spanish Office, Spanish IP addresses are often blocked by Spam Filters.
So please ensure your computer will accept e-mails from sales@webbsremovals.com which is the UK e-mail, and webbs@spain.cc is our Mallorca e-mail.