Understanding Weight and Volumes on a 3500 KG Vehicle,
A Common Error quite a few of the Public can make, as well as some whom are in the Trade is the Weight Capacity of this very well-known size vehicle
3500 Kgs is the Maximum Weight Combined of BOTH the Vehicle and its Load
So, Just to give you an idea,
A Cubic Metre is m3, Not to be confused with M2 which is Square
This Vehicle, can carry 1250 KGS and Approximately 12 Cubic Metres
This is a 20 Cubic Metre Box Van 900 Kilos at best !
This is a 20 Cubic Metres Box Van with a Large Tail Lift and can carry about 700 Kilos at best,
It really depends on how big your Packed Lunch is,
Now Just to add, In the Removal Industry, the Accepted amount of weight to volume is 100 Kilos per m3
Its only the smallest Vehicle in Volume mentioned that can attain that specification,
The Tail Lift Option, well than can only carry 38 % as it weights 2800 Kilos empty,
Trust that clarifies !,