Quotations, Estimates, Surveys, On Line,
As you can see from our Website, we have an “On Line Survey Form” whereby we can give you a realistic figure for your Move.
This we will back up with a visit from either Gareth Webb or one of our experienced team in the UK, likewise Bill Webb, Matthew or again an experienced member of our Mallorca crew
We do not use Inexperienced Sales, Commission Agents
By physically viewing what is required, discussing your concerns, requirements, explaining exactly what we are going to do, you will get an accurate concise quotation
Now in this modern age of Internet, facetime etc., “Webbs” are not adverse to grasping technology.
However, we are concerned about the public instructed to do their own surveys via various on line websites.
This system puts the onus 100% on you the client to give the information this system need to come up with an “indicative quote” I use the word indicative, because they have a mile of small print to cover themselves, is that fair, I don’t think so.
So what Movers use this system, its the Budget end whom do not have / want to pay for experienced Surveyors,
These are Primarily “Moving Brokers” often operating from “Boiler Room” sales offices; they can then offer your job to some Movers whom then buy the “leads”
This system in general offers you no guarantee of the quality of your move, as it will default to the cheapest method, and these Brokerage sites are only interested in their commission
Possibly giving you no method of recourse, what qualification do these sites have, check
Is that what you really want? Maybe for just a few odds and ends, but should your home be put up to maybe the cheapest bidder
Notwithstanding there are some Movers who use this system for overseas moves, I’m a great believer in getting to see the client regardless of where they are, if I cannot get an experienced professional surveyor on my behalf I’m not adverse to jumping on a plane to come and see a client personally
So I will let you make your own mind up, as you can see, I’m biased, is old fashion face to face customer relations now defunct in the modern world
Well I personally hope not, we look forward to meeting you,
Still want to use one of these Brokerage Sites?
Send me your On Line Quote and I guarantee to show you where the additional charges are What you got to lose?
Two and Two still makes four be it an Abacus or a Computer!