No Double Humping here !

12th July 2019

No Double Humping here !

You need Storage ?

Clarification of Service Unless specified different, all Moves are carried out as a Shared Load on our Weekly Scheduled Service, now this is explained on the website, UK to Mallorca, Truck Departs on the Sunday night, Monday morning, arrives Majorca Depot Wednesdays, for those whom have specified specific delivery dates in advance, these will be respected, otherwise we get to everyone as quickly as possible, we tend to do certain areas, Wednesday the South, Thursday the Middle of the Island and Fridays its the North

Mallorca to UK, Truck Departs Majorca on the Wednesday, Kent depot for Friday, delivery as from the Monday, again if an agreed delivery date was made prior with the Offices, that of course will be respected, otherwise, its coming to you as soon as reasonably possible Its called “Spirit of The Shared Load Service” keeps us Competitive and Reliable, in fact we probable Move more homes and possessions than all the other Moves put together !

A Reliable and Regular Service to and from Mallorca, EST 1985  

Call us UK 01843 585055 ⋅ Mallorca 0034 971 693566 or email