Contacting “Webbs”

31st January 2016

Contacting “Webbs”

We have two Land Line Numbers

UK  0044 1843 585055,     Mallorca 0034 971 693566

Then Gareth who operates the UK Depot can often be contacted on 0044 7812 605488

Bill in Mallorca 0034 619 247 823

Yes we love a chat and can natter all day,     but,

We will always ask you to follow up any call, enquiry, instruction with an email,     it just keeps everything in writing there and then

So UK      Its    In Mallorca its

Try and use these first rather than the link on Google,    as this link probably sends me more offers about those little pills than anything else !

Im having our Computer boffin try and put some form of filter on this link,


A Reliable and Regular Service to and from Mallorca, EST 1985  

Call us UK 01843 585055 ⋅ Mallorca 0034 971 693566 or email